The Good and Not So Good of Toner Save Mode

ChooseDifferent printers have different settings to help users to save toner. HP offers “EconoMode” setting, Brother and Samsung employ “Toner Save” mode.

HP stated, “the EconoMode setting uses up to 50% less toner than standard mode printing by reducing the dot density.”

SAMSUNG advertised: “Through toner save mode, the toner particles deployed from the printer or MFP are much smaller and finer compared to the normal toner carrier technology used in standard printing.” Without compromising on the output image quality, user could save 30% toner on SAMSUNG mono printers and MFPs, or save 40% toner on SAMSUNG fax machines.

BROTHER simply says the printer will “Use less toner when printing draft documents with the toner save mode.”


There are some drawbacks when saving toner mode enabled:

  • With “EconoMode” or “Toner Save” enabled, the printout looks bit of lighter than it under standard mode. BROTHER does not recommend Toner Save Mode for printing photo or gray scale images.
  • HP does not recommend full-time use of EconoMode. “It is possible that the toner supply will outlast the mechanical parts in the print cartridge.” Other words, it could cause print quality issue, even the cartridge does not reach the “toner low” status.


It is good to have options available to save. Printing with toner save mode or economode, you could not only save money, also reduce the environmental impact by replacing cartridge less often.